Reservoir Band | Chris Eckman

Chris Eckman and MWB shootout

for Stray Song Series


Chris Eckman, the acclaimed songwriter and multi-instrumentalist of the legentary Seattle based band The Walkabouts has a strong fan base in Europe all these years. 

Diamantis Dimantidis, multitalented “captain” of the Mother Whale Blind (MWB) music collective -one of the more active music bands in the current music scene of Athens- has been absolutely one of them. 

Having been honorably chosen by Echman to perform together on the stage, MWB took a walk with him and Shoot The Band crew for a Stray Song duet in the historic refugee housing complex on Alexandras avenue – one of the biggest arteries of Athens where the Supreme Court of Greece and the Headquarters of the Security Police stand nearby.

The large housing complex area that was built in the 30s to provide shelter for the refugees from Asia Minor who were evacuated in 1922, remains a disputed territory of unsettled land claim. The municipality of the city along with construction companies plan to gentrify the place as the apartments have been gradually occupied by the displaced of the city: refugees, homeless, and unemployed. 


“The county’s vast sagebrush drylands, windy mountains and marshy flats … are places where humans are small and often ineffectual…These unforgiving elements cast a long shadow upon the characters in these songs. They fight to do their best in a region where beauty and hardship seem to come in equal measure…” 

Chris Eckman about Harney County


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