Grunge Cafe | She Keeps Bees

Jessica Larrabee Performing for Stray Song Series


She Keeps Bees, the Brooklyn based grunge band consisting of Jessica Larrabee and Andy LaPlant on drums made their way to Stray Songs Series on a busy monday morning.

We picked the band up at a hotel near the open air market of Varvakios around eight o’ clock.  Jessica had just woke up and she was in a urgent need for strong coffee. We took the band inside the old neighbourhood of Psyrri at the old cafe we knew.

As we found our spot outside the store, locals were playing cards 

” I was making video by myshelf back in the US when I first started working in the music business”  

Jessica started the conversation

We exchanged views on cameras and Andy took a quick run to bring goods form a nearby bakery.

“We love eating bread and bakerie here, how is called the coffe you guys make?”

“Greeks called it Greek but we all know it as Turkish coffe.”

Michalis replies and we order some turkish coffes. 

Inside the corridor a lot of old rebetiko photos are hanging from the banisters and we discuss the impact of eastern influence on the greek urban folk music and life in general which occasionally makes coffee names and other things tangle with each other.

Jessica  takes the guitar and starts singing “Feather lighter” as people around her keep playing cards loosely.

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